CNA wage per hour

Being a CNA or certified nursing assistant can be emotionally and spiritually rewarding, but can it be financially rewarding too? In this article, we’ll learn just how much certified nursing aides make, and how you can be one yourself! How Much Is a CNA’s Hourly Pay? On average, state-certified CNAs earn about $13.72 per hour.…

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Because Certified Nursing Assistants, or CNAs, are expected to provide basic patient care, this means there is a lot of tasks that they’re expected to accomplish. It implies a busy work schedule, tending to patients’ needs round the clock. However, a CNA’s work schedule largely depends on where he or she is working. There are…

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On average, CNAs in the US are paid about $13.72 per hour. Some may earn a little higher depending on state, years of experience, and demand. Some may earn a little lower than the average too. With bonuses, commissions, profit sharing, and any other monetary compensation, the average CNA can earn about $21k t $36…

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What Do CNAs Do

Certified Nursing Assistants, known as CNAs, are important healthcare workers that usually report to Registered Nurses (RN) or Nurse Practitioners. Their main role is to provide basic patient care, which in itself connotes a wide array of responsibilities. In the U.S., a CNA may be called a Home Health Aide (HHA), State Tested Nursing Aide…

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Do CNAs Work 12 Hour Shifts

So, the basic question is, do CNAs have to work in 12-hour shifts? Because Certified Nursing Assistants, or CNAs, are expected to provide basic patient care, this means there is a lot of tasks that they’re expected to accomplish. It implies a busy work schedule, tending to patients’ needs round the clock. However, a CNA’s…

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Nurse Aide and Patient

Most training institutes receive this question a lot from interested applicants. Do you get paid during CNA training? With an increased interest towards hiring certified nursing assistants in different parts of the globe, and the relatively minimal academic requirements needed to become one, more people want to become nursing assistants. Another factor that entices them…

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Lovely trained nurse explaining specifics of her work

With the demand for these professionals increasing over the years, training programs for nursing assistants are on the rise worldwide. The right training program will help a person become better prepared for certification, as well as make them more competent once they make it in the field. How long is training for CNA? All that…

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Nurse Aide and Patient

Being a certified nursing assistant, also known as a CNA, has become an intriguing career option for a lot of people. With its relatively minimal requirements, good pay, and high upside for potential career growth, becoming a nursing assistant provides a huge window of opportunity for people who want to try it out. But how…

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Certified Nursing Assistant CNA theme with pink piggy bank - CNA Training Institute

CNAs or Certified Nursing Assistants play a key role in the medical field. As the name implies – they work under the supervision of Registered Nurses, often filling in and interacting directly with patients. It’s a high-demand job that requires, first and foremost, good people skills. If you’re thinking about a job in the medical…

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Compassionate CNA explaining a geriatric handicapped patient with dementia medical procedures while holding her hands. Assisted living house for pensioners. Side view.

The term CNA stands for “Certified Nursing Assistant”. In any case, the job description is similar with professionals in the practice occupying an important role in society. Obviously, CNAs are important members of the medical field and as such, they’re compensated very well by their employers. What does a CNA do? CNAs have a wide…

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