cna certified gradsEarning your certification as a nurse aide in Houston is a great opportunity to introduce you to the healthcare industry, and set the stage for career advancement and other opportunities in the industry. This brief guide will outline the steps you will need to take to get a CNA certification in the state of Texas.

What Are Your Options?

There are several different ways that you can earn this certification. The first thing that you will need to do is decide whether or not you need to pass the NNAAP, or the National Nurse Assessment Program examination, so you can get certified in Texas.

The state of Texas currently offers several routes to get a CNA certification. They include:

Nurse Aide training program approved by DADS (Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services)
Military service
RN program
LVN program

Students who pass the NNAAP are then able to get listed on the Texas Nurse Aide Registry and begin working in Houston as a CNA. The registry also has guidelines for those seeking certification by reciprocity or waiver.

Complete CNA Training

In order to complete nurse assistant training, you must enroll in a program that has been approved by DADS. Currently, there are over 800 NATCEPs (Nurse Aide Training and Competency Evaluation Programs) that meet the necessary requirements for Texas.

Every program in the state has the same minimum requirements, but you will need to find the one in Houston that best meet your needs.

Take The CNA State Exam

After training is completed, the next step in the process is to register and take the NNAAP. This exam test students on the minimal competency required and the basic skills needed to become a CNA in Houston.

Applications to register for the exam can be completed online through the Person VUE website, or you can mail in a paper copy of the application. The first time students take the exam, they must take the written and practical evaluations.

On the day of the test, you will need to bring 2 forms of ID, an eraser, a watch with a second hand and three No.2 pencils. Any other materials needed will be provided by the site where you are taking the test. Some of the accepted forms of ID are:

A school ID
A work ID
A driver’s license
A passport

Students have two options for the written test. They can choose the written version, or they can choose to take the oral version of the written exam. There is an English and Spanish version, both consists of 70 questions and both take 2 hours to finish.

The practical skills examination tests students on ‘real world’ skills they would use in a healthcare facility. It is a sampling of 5 out of the 22 skills that students learn while in the program.

Test results are generally faxed to another location, and results are usually provided the same day.

CNA Registry

After passing the state exam, you will be eligible to work anywhere in the state, including Houston.

Keep in mind that CNAs are responsible for making sure their names are listed in the Texas Nurse Aide Registry, and names can be verified online.

It is also important to remember that the certification must remain active. It will be listed as expired if you do not work as a CNA for 2 years.

The job outlook for CNAs in Houston is bright. Job growth is projected to increase by 21% over the next decade.

For more information about CNA Training, visit our Houston office at:

140 Eldridge Road # G, Sugar Land, TX 77478
Phone: (346) 908-0942